Future TalentEd magazine, produced in collaboration with Barclays LifeSkills, is sent free to all careers leaders in state secondary schools and FE colleges in England. Packed with articles, tips and resources around employability and routes into work, it supports schools in delivering their programmes of careers guidance.
Our employer partners help us to share insights between boardrooms and classrooms, bringing the world of work to life for young people and linking careers to the curriculum.
How we support educators in schools and colleges
We support careers leaders to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks, which define best practice in careers provision, and help teachers to link learning to careers.
How we support students
We bring the world of work to life for young people aged 11-18, helping them to make informed decisions about their future and to develop the skills they need to succeed.
How we support businesses
We enable employers to protect their future talent pipeline, showcasing their organisations and early careers opportunities to young people.
Foundation partners