

Leadership masterclasses - RADA Business 

The Confident Leader part 1 & 2

RADA Business Approach

Our approach is based on two key elements: an emphasis on the individual, and the expertise of our tutors and performers. It’s this combination that makes us one of the world’s most respected training organisations.

Personal Focus

The way we use our body, breath and voice has a huge impact on how we’re perceived by others. By working one-to-one or in small groups we show you how to transform your communication style. 

  • Self-awareness. Becoming more aware of your communication habits is the first step to building and improving on them.
  • elf-awareness. Becoming more aware of your communication habits is the first step to building and improving on them.
  • It’s not enough to recite a set of principles. To really learn something you need to do it, and keep doing it.
  • Getting good quality feedback can really improve your performance: our tutors are some of the best in the business.
  • Self-awareness. Becoming more aware of your communication habits is the first step to building and improving on them.
  • It’s not enough to recite a set of principles. To really learn something you need to do it, and keep doing it.
  • Getting good quality feedback can really improve your performance: our tutors are some of the best in the business.
  • Self-awareness. Becoming more aware of your communication habits is the first step to building and improving on them.
  • It’s not enough to recite a set of principles. To really learn something you need to do it, and keep doing it.
  • Getting good quality feedback can really improve your performance: our tutors are some of the best in the business.
  • Self-awareness. Becoming more aware of your communication habits is the first step to building and improving on them.
  • It’s not enough to recite a set of principles. To really learn something you need to do it, and keep doing it.
  • Getting good quality feedback can really improve your performance: our tutors are some of the best in the business.

Thursday 5th November, 12.30 - 1.30

Part 1: Physical Presence

This practical session will introduce the RADA Business approach to confident and high impact  communication. You will explore how to use your body to create a strong physical presence, manage your state, and lead with authenticity and confidence. Whether you are speaking to a large audience, addressing the Board, or engaging in a challenging conversation with a colleague, these skills and techniques will help you hold your space, whatever the stage.

 Friday 6th November, 12.30 -1.30

Part 2: Vocal Presence

Your voice is your most powerful tool of influence. In this session, you will be introduced to how RADA Business techniques can help you maximise your vocal impact, give weight to your words, and speak so others listen.

You will experience how, by making simple choices, you can speak in an even more engaging way, and move your audience to action.