Programme Resources

L3: Tripartite Review 2 - Agenda (30 Minutes)

Written by Future Talent Learning | Sep 20, 2022 2:54:50 PM

Note to learner:

    • Please share this agenda with your line manager in advance of the meeting so that they can prepare and/or refer to any specific Performance Testimonies they have provided.
    • Please note the timing of each section. Stay concise and clear in your feedback.
    • Please re-score the questions outlined below in your Skills Radar using the attached and reflect on any changes. Refer to:
    1. How well do you understand your own deeper motivations, strengths, weaknesses and biases and how you come across to others?    
    2. How would you rate your ability to prioritise and manage your time?  
    3. How would you rate your ability to act inclusively?


1. What has gone well, and what has been challenging since the start of the programme? (12 mins)

    • Learner to comment on at least three specific ideas, techniques or skills they have learnt since starting the programme. Include which events they have attended and their takeaways and impact to their role.
    • Learner and coach to comment on any additional support the learner might need (e.g. Functional Skills or ALS). Coach to ask which events have been attended so far and check that the learner is on track to attend at least 32 hours of digital learning events across the entire programme.
    • Learner and coach to comment on any changes to their Skills Radar scores.
    • Coach to comment on overall progress, based on the learner’s current RAG status:
      • Line manager to comment on how they’ve been able to support the learner in terms of giving the learner sufficient OTJ time to complete the programme.
      • If need be, coach, learner and line manager to agree an action plan to get the learner back on track. 
      • NB: this action plan must have clear SMART objectives and be documented in the review write-up.


2. Line manager to comment on when/how they have observed the learner effectively demonstrating some or all of the below: (8 mins)

    • Demonstrating an open and honest approach
    • Seeking the views of others
    • Demonstrating effective time management or prioritisation skills
    • Demonstrating good career management/planning skills
    • Acting inclusively
    • Displaying self-awareness and emotional intelligence in interactions with others
    • Communicating effectively (whether verbally, in written form or digitally)
Line manager to add any other changes or developments they have noticed and/or specific areas for improvement for the learner to work on in the next module.


3. Values, Prevent & EDI (7 mins)


We’ll ask you to reflect on an aspect of British Values. This is a key requirement for us as a further education provider as we have a responsibility to help all our learners create a society that supports the values surrounding them. Click here for more information. 


Learner to:

    • Explain what is meant by British values (i.e. Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect/Tolerance).
    • Describe in what ways any British values have shown up for them since starting the programme. For example, Mutual Respect when soliciting feedback via your Johari Window/360s or in reflecting on people’s different learning styles.
    • If not covered in question 1, explain what they have learnt about acting inclusively since starting the programme.
    • Explain what the Prevent agenda is about and describe how they would spot the signs of radicalisation in a colleague or another learner on the programme.


4. Ongoing Advice and Guidance (3 mins)

    • Learner to comment on how their learning has so far impacted their view of what they might go on to do after the programme finishes.  

5. Any final comments...  

    • Learner, line manager and coach to comment.


Please remember to book your next Tripartite Review via your coach’s YouCanBook.Me link.