Nutshell: The power of strategic networks

By Future Talent Learning


The right networks can make better leaders of us all. But we need to know how to build and maintain connections that support us in forward-facing, strategic ways.


Whether or not Christopher Columbus really was the first European to set foot in the Americas is open to interpretation. But he is widely recognised as the navigator and explorer who, in the late 15th century, opened up the New World for a continent hungry to exploit a lucrative new trade route.


It could, however, have been very different had Columbus not taken advantage of what we might think of as a more modern phenomenon: a strategic network


 When, after many years of voyaging, Columbus hatched his plan to cross the Atlantic, it wasn’t all plain sailing (pun intended). The powers-that-be in his adopted home of Portugal were less than enamoured of an idea that failed to convince the navigational experts of the time.


Appeals to the Spanish, French and English courts also came to nought. Frustrated, Columbus retreated to the Franciscan monastery of La Rábida to regroup. It was during his two-year stay there that he made a strategic connection that proved to be transformational.


It turned out that the monastery’s abbot, Juan Perez, was a former confessor of Queen Isabella of Spain, and he wrote to her on Columbus’ behalf.


As it happened, the timing was fortuitous; with Spain’s war chest almost empty, the time was right for the Spanish crown to take a punt on an adventurer promising the riches of the Indies.


Columbus set sail, the Americas were claimed for Spain – and we’re left with a fascinating example of the power of social networks and connection.


Networking is one of those business activities that’s almost guaranteed to divide the room.


Some people derive huge energy from reaching out to and meeting new people, basking in a large and extended network.


For others, the very idea of working a room or initiating a conversation with a stranger is enough to make them retreat to a strategy that author and podcast host Morra Aarons-Mele calls hiding in the bathroom.


Even in more finessed terms, we may know that developing a network of contacts is essential for our personal and professional development – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy, that we don’t feel awkward about trying or that we see it as a valuable use of our precious time.


Why networking matters

The problem is that staying in our lane and focusing exclusively on the here and now can have serious consequences.


Organisation behaviour expert Herminia Ibarra has coined the term competency trap to describe our tendency to get stuck in a rut rather than to develop what she calls outsight, to lift our heads, broaden our horizons and build the connections and relationships that – like Columbus – we need to progress and thrive.


Whatever side we sit on when it comes to the more traditional networking divide, that means reframing how we think about networking in the first place, overcoming any reluctance – even distaste – about getting involved and learning to network in ways that will repay the investment in time in spades.


A new networking mindset

Writing in Harvard Business Review, Ibarra, together with Mark Hunter, define networking as “creating a fabric of personal contacts who will provide support, feedback, insight, resources and information”.


They also remind us that it’s one of the most “self-evident, yet dreaded” challenges that leaders face, especially when we’re stepping up for the first time.


But, as we move away from job roles based more on our technical know-how and need to operate more strategically, being able to exchange and interact with a diverse range of contacts will help us to stay ahead of the game.


Like so many other things in leadership, networking is about learning and progress. The right networks keep us informed, help us to come up with and test new ideas and teach us new things. They help us to develop our influence and have more impact.


Being tuned into a diverse range of opinions will not just support us, but also offer the challenge we need to question and sharpen our thinking, confront our biases and make better decisions.


None of us can possibly have all the answers or even know what questions to ask; our networks can help to plug those gaps.


Making the most of our networks 

In her book Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader Ibarra identifies six key ways that leaders can use their networks as an essential leadership tool:

  • sensing trends and seeing opportunities

  • building ties to opinion leaders and talent in diverse areas

  • working collaboratively across boundaries to create more value

  • avoiding groupthink

  • generating breakthrough ideas

  • obtaining career opportunities

Much depends, of course, on the quality of our networks and how we go about building and maintaining them.


If we see networking in purely transactional terms, measured in quantity of contacts rather than in their quality; focused solely around large-scale set pieces such as conferences and events, or just cosying up to the 'high-ups', then these benefits are likely to be diluted or absent.


Instead, we need to reframe how we think about and approach it: networking is about nothing more or less than forging positive, effective relationships.


Give and take

Organisational psychologist Adam Grant agrees that a more traditional idea of networking can make us feel awkward or even calculating. Thinking about networking in these terms “violates” the very idea we have about relationships: what we really want is to create meaningful connections with people.


Grant identifies three styles of personal interaction that might underpin our approach to networking:


What can you do for me? This, unsurprisingly, can leave people feeling that we are taking advantage of them.


What can I do for you? 


A bit of give and take. This might seem like a healthy approach, but it brings with it the risk that we only interact with people who have immediate value for us. It might end up narrowing our networks rather than developing them.


Grant firmly advocates the 'giver' approach, taking the view that we should help as many people as we can when the benefit to them outweighs the cost to us. That way, we create a more meaningful set of connections that are likely to serve us beyond our immediate needs or interests.


Networking and learning

It’s an approach that aligns with research by Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki and Tiziana Casciaro, who have identified four strategies to help us change our mindset around networking, even learn to love it.


Alongside identifying common interests, thinking broadly about what we can – Adam Grant-like – give others and considering the purpose of what we want to achieve, the authors encourage us to focus on learning.


Gino and her colleagues divide us into people who have a promotion mindset and those of us who have a prevention approach. It’s akin to Carol Dweck’s thinking around growth and fixed mindsets.

  • Promotion-focused people approach networking with enthusiasm, curiosityand an open mind about the possibilities it might bring.

  • Prevention-focused people see networking as – at best – a necessary evil, or something inauthentic to be avoided as far as possible.

Fortunately, we can adjust our mindset and reframe how we think about networking.

For example, if we’re facing the dreaded office party or a large industry event, we can either roll our eyes and expect to hate it or we can give it the benefit of the doubt, keeping an open mind about who we might meet and the conversations we might have.


If we focus on the positives, we can begin to see the opportunities that making those connections might bring.


For Ibarra, it’s not really a choice. Being a leader actively requires us to “cultivate a diverse, widespread, dynamic and cross-cutting set of relationships”.


We need them to take us beyond cosy comfort zones that can narrow our thinking and limit our capacity to lead. If we don’t or can’t get on board, we leave ourselves vulnerable to change and uncertainty and reduce our own usefulness and value to others.


Beware network traps

The problem is that, if we persist with a narrower view of networking, what it’s about and how it can help us, we’re much less likely to invest the time it takes to build and maintain those far-reaching and diverse connections.


Ibarra uses the term network traps to describe mindsets that create powerful “network blinders”.

  • We may think networking is not really work and eschew it.

  • We might think it’s about using people or being inauthentic, out of step with our values.

  • We might think that relationships should form spontaneously rather than being contrived.

  • We might think we have more urgent things to do right now than to take a punt on a connection that might not pay dividends immediately, if ever.

These traps tend to reinforce our tendency to fall prey to what she calls:

  • the narcissistic principle – the idea that we are most drawn to people just like us, and

  • the lazy principle – the idea that we often avoid the effort it takes to connect with people beyond our immediate circle or tribe.

Just think of the average workplace and how few of us really interact with others beyond our own teams. We have to make the effort to range more widely and to connect with people outside our natural tribes.


When we get stuck

Research by Rob Cross and Robert Thomas has similarly identified three kinds of network traps and the six types of people who tend to get stuck in them.


The wrong structure


Formalists rely too heavily on formal hierarchy and tend to ignore the value of more informal connections at work. Sometimes, Dave in Accounts can be a much more useful contact than the shiny new sales director.


Overloaded managers have so much contact with colleagues and the external world that they become a bottleneck to progress and are in danger of burnout. We need to be selective about the connections we make and prioritise how we make them.


The wrong relationships


Disconnected experts stick to what they know rather than risk being challenged by others to build new skills. Staying exclusively in our lanes is not really a viable option.


Biased leaders fall foul of the narcissistic principle, relying too much on others who are just like them and are unlikely to counter their biases or offer fresh perspectives.


The wrong behaviours


Superficial networkers focus on quantity rather than quality, counting the number of LinkedIn connections they have rather than forging fewer, more meaningful relationships.


Chameleons change their values and interests depending on which subgroup they’re operating in at any given time and therefore end up failing to connect fully with anyone in a meaningful way.


Being aware of these traps is the first stage towards moving beyond them. It can also help to understand the different types of networks we need to succeed and what we have to do to build them.


Towards strategic networks

We all already have networks. It’s just that we might not be fully aware of them and whether they’re the type of network that can help us not just to do our current jobs, but also to answer the more strategic question: “Where and what next?”


 Ibarra distinguishes between three different types of network:

  • Operational

  • Personal

  • Strategic

Operational networks include the people we rely on to get our work done.

They might include team members, our bosses, people in other teams and key suppliers, customers and distributors. Their make-up is largely determined by the job we’re doing at the moment. They help our efficiency and reliability, but do not take us beyond today’s functional tasks.


Personal networks are made up of the people we feel closest to, our 'kindred spirits', and include family, friends and trusted advisers. 


They can be important sources of information and referrals, and often offer developmental support, such as coaching or mentoring. But we often see them as disconnected from our day-to-day working life and overlook the potential for synergies with our operational contacts which might be mutually reinforcing.


Strategic networks are made up of relationships that help us 'envision the future”.

They have to include people who can help us to compete in the future. A good strategic network will give us what Ibarra calls “connective advantage”, the ability to marshal information and support in one sphere to influence another; it’s not just about one-to-one relationships, but about how those relationships intersect.  


For leaders, it’s those strategic networks that offer us the biggest chance to learn and grow. Ibarra believes that the advantage our strategic network affords us depends on three key characteristics, her BCD of network advantage:

  • Breadth. Strong relationships with a diverse range of contacts.

  • Connectivity. The capacity to link or bridge groups of people who wouldn’t meet otherwise.

  • Dynamism. A network that evolves as we do, and our aspirations change




Breadth matters. Adam Grant suggests that the more connections we have with people from different worlds, the more we can help others – and the more we can create meaningful connections that build into an active, mutually reinforcing network.

We also need to balance the relationships we have inside our organisations with those we build in the external world.


Building external links with people who can help us make sense of a fast-moving world is crucial and will help us to develop Ibarra’s outsight.


But we also need to establish strong relationships within our organisations so that we can apply what we learn effectively and are not blind-sided by office politics.


And it's important to guard against being a Cross and Thomas formalist. Strong connections with a range of people throughout our organisations, even those more junior than us, can provide invaluable insight into what’s really going on beyond the senior leadership team, much-needed 360° perspective and ideas from as broad a group as possible.


The key influencing principle of reciprocity is also important for our strategic networks.




When our networks comprise mostly people who not only know us but also know each other, we have what Ibarra calls a network density problem.


When this happens, our networks become ‘inbred’, echo chambers in which no new information circulates because everyone knows the same things or has access to the same sources. This can lead to groupthink and unhealthy consensus.


This also limits our value to others because we’re not able to offer anything unique or new. Our networking comparative advantage relies on how well we’re able to connect people, ideas and resources that are not already in the know.


Again, it’s about balance. Networks that are too dense run the risk of becoming inbred; not dense enough and we might spread ourselves too thinly, becoming a Cross and Thomas chameleon – in Ibarra’s words “a ‘visitor’ to many networks but a ‘citizen’ of none”.


In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell introduces the ideas of connectors, people who “by having a foot in so many different worlds… have the effect of bringing them all together”.


When we have a properly strategic and balanced network, we can put people in touch with others, match solutions to problems and also benefit from other connectors who can do the same for us.




If we fall into the trap of narcissism or laziness, our networks will inevitably stultify.

We might be forging ahead into the future, learning new skills, taking on more responsibility and developing personally, but our networks will lag behind, failing to keep up with the person we’ve become and offering much less value just at the time when we might need them most. We effectively fail to future-proof our connections and relationships.


One way to avoid this is to focus not just on maintaining high-quality strong ties characterised by people we know well and trust.


We also need to build and value weak ties with people who may not yet be part of our inner circles and are likely to be on the periphery of our current networks or even entirely outside our current world.


This might make them harder to identify and connect with, but they’re essential for a more future-facing network that will give us fresh perspective and outsight.


And that may be especially important when we want to move on or stretch and re-invent ourselves and might be pigeonholed or hamstrung by the people we know well now.


With these BCD elements in mind, we can remind ourselves that we need to put the effort into broadening and refreshing our networks to make sure we steer clear of those traps and blinders.


Building a network can be hard, fraught with traps, demanding of our time and, as with so many leadership activities, based on intuition and judgement.


The good news, though, is that it requires no innate talent or even a more naturally gregarious, extroverted personality: it’s a skill that can be learnt.


It takes practice and perseverance, but the rewards are clear, whether that’s securing the funding for an uncharted trip to the Indies or a leadership career that benefits from the support, challenge and sense of connectedness that a good strategic network can bring.


An African proverb tells us: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” Taking the time to build and nurture the right connections will help us on that journey.



Test your understanding

  • Identify three ways that strategic networks can support leaders.

  • Explain why Adam Grant believes it’s best to be a “giver” when it comes to building connections.

  • Describe Herminia Ibarra’s BCD of strategic networks.

What does it mean for you?

  • Reflect on how you feel about networking.

  • If you love it, consider how effective you are at it and what more you could do to build the right strategic connections. If you dread or dislike it, how might you re-frame your thinking to see networking as an opportunity rather than something more negative?