Coaching your employees in order to retain them shows loyalty and will ultimately strengthen your business, writes Lynne Hardman, CEO of Working Transitions.
The notion of a ‘job for life’ has waned in the last decade. Now a more progressive school of thought is examining whether the concept of a ‘career for life’ needs a radical rethink. The ambitions we hold as school leavers cannot possibly stay aligned with what motivates and interests us in later life.
It’s an issue well explained in Lynda Gratton’s and Andrew Scott’s award-winning business book: The 100 Year Life. People are becoming more conscious of their lengthening working lives — but frustrated by their working context. With more longevity of life and an ever-increasing retirement age, both individuals and businesses need to consider how they can manage career transitions.
Why there is a 'black hole' in career transition for older workers
However, whereas corporations have been quick to capitalise on the estimated $15 trillion of spending power of people over 60, they have been much slower to react about what this may mean for their own workforces. Many have implemented robust systems, structures and processes for company transition and career development, but there is a black hole for many where ‘career transition’ sits, particularly for older workers.
And this, of course, is the stereotype that needs to be busted. Career transition can, and should, happen at any point during the working life. A change of career can be lifestyle related – supporting a personal driver for flexibility, a need for ‘happiness’ by pursuing a new, more fulfilling role or preparing for retirement with a change in priorities.
The ideal scenario – for both the individual and the organisation – is when career transition can be supported within the business. This is a win/ win for both parties. The cost savings on talent retention are well known. It saves money on recruitment fees and on-boarding when an employee is moving sideways. From an employee perspective, its hugely beneficial to stay with an employer who is happy to invest in reskilling and transitioning you. The loyalty then works both ways.
Embedding a coaching culture will help to achieve required outcomes
Unfortunately, this ideal scenario rarely happens in practice. This is often due to a lack of communication. The employee expects a negative reaction from a line manager, so immediately starts looking elsewhere for an entry-level role in their new field of interest, or they embark on self-financing training. The business then gets caught completely unaware and then has to navigate the onerous process of replacing a valued employee.
This issue can be alleviated by embedding a coaching culture and enabling managers. Leaders with well-developed coaching skills are most likely to achieve required business outcomes and those employees who have themselves benefitted from coaching are more likely to demonstrate the behaviours required for success.
Although it can take time to invest in, build and embed this coaching culture, the increase in trust and commercial benefits to the organisation can be dramatic and long-lasting.
Employees need a 'roadmap for transition' to progress their careers
Career transition is going to be huge a theme in the coming years. The World Economic Forum has predicted that 50% of people will need reskilling by 2025 to address the changing economies and customer needs.
Switching a career should not mean that you start from scratch – especially when you have invested years in a company, and they know your value and what skills can be transferred. Employees need a roadmap for transition and to be given the voice and tools to make it as successful as possible.
It is not solely the company’s responsibility to develop employees’ careers but employers can help by supporting employees to be better equipped to progress their own career – whether internally or externally.